Howdy partner! heheheheheh howdy indeed! I wuz a jobless cunt for quite a while now so I ended up sendin' resume's thru email and of course gaming. I wuz browsing thousands of game torrents on the internet (coz I can't even afford a pack of smokes! sheesh!) and i found this on Pretty cool game. graphics are decent. but the bodies don't have bullet holes once you hit em dead. But I still give it a 7/10 rating anyday. its a really fun and addicting game. You'd be either playing Ray, a dual-pistol shootin, dynamite throwin', Gatling gun carrying hoodlum or his brother Thomas who can jump higher, use a rope, shoot arrows and throw knives. rifles and pistols are shared weapons, but duality goes to Ray. The Maps are huge but there are onscreen markers that you can follow for going into the objective. It's so realistic that you really can ride the map a long time and die by falling off a gorge! ahahaha. yep. i am an idiot and i tried it in the game! aside from the story line, you can also go on side missions w/c you can get money. The missions vary from gun-for hire type to killing a whole gang of outlaws. One unique feature of the game that I'd love to stress is the shootout wherein you get to be in a gun duel! you also get to ride a horse and have it walk or sprint w/c completes the cow boy feel. haha! its too complex for words so check the game out! no kidding. for FPS lovers like me, this is worth your time.
Playing as Thomas, providing Ray w/ covering fire focus mode w/c makes you aim w/ your rifle better (goes for pistols too) the showdown mode dual sawed off shotguns.